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This model stands out due to its extensive modifications, incorporating components from various Gundam kits to achieve a distinct appearance. While the HGUC Zeta Gundam revival serves as the foundation for this project, ao_mecha introduces significant alterations through techniques such as kit bashing, a custom paint job, the creation of scratch-built parts, and the addition of unique details. The theme for this build draws inspiration from the P-Bandai MG Zeta Gray Wolf. ao_mecha's interpretation envisions the Gray Wolf Zeta as an evolved version, a concept not available in the High-Grade (HG) line.
A notable feature of this model is its transformative capability, a characteristic commonly found in Zeta-type models. Despite being a "partsformer," where some components bend to assume a new shape while others need replacement, ao_mecha ensures that the model can transition between two modes without the need to remove all the pieces in between. To streamline mode switching, two arms and two back cover plates have been specially crafted. Despite the nature of component formation, ao_mecha considers this phase of the project the most enjoyable, capturing the authentic essence of the Zeta Gundam series.
In summary, ao_mecha's HGUC Zeta Gundam 3B Type GRAY Wolf 2.0 exemplifies the creativity and skill essential in custom Gundam model construction. It not only showcases the modeler's technical proficiency but also reflects their passion for the Gundam universe and its rich design heritage.